Mango Delight

  • 5 mins
  • 4-6
Mango Delight

This rich creamy dessert with fresh mangoes feels so sinful, yet so right!


  • 300ml double cream
  • 750g ready made custard
  • 300g + 6 tbsp mango pulp
  • 10 drops Cardamom Spice Drops®
  • 3 ripe mangoes, peeled and cut into small pieces
  • 60g chopped pistachios


  1. Whisk the cream in a bowl until it forms soft peaks.
  2. Gradually add the custard to the mango pulp in another bowl and blend it well.
  3. Stir the cream into the pulp and custard mixture. Again mix it well so that it blends evenly.
  4. Add the Cardamom Spice Drops® and stir again. Mix in three quarters of the pistachios.
  5. Now gently mix in the chopped mangoes into the bowl.
  6. Decorate with swirls of mango pulp and the remaining chopped pistachios.
  7. Serve chilled.